On my November adventure to Bali

I met two of the others who were going on to e Bali trip at the Premier Inn on Heathrow T4. It was reassuring to meet new ladies before we flew across the world together. I was very apprehensive. Didn’t sleep much. We got through security with a few toiletries removed from two ladies and one lost her phone which took some time to find- quite unerring. Then as we boarded we were pulled aside and asked to show Covid and Customs e certificates and asked if we’d got our government app so we were nearly last on the plane. Certainly got my blood pressure going. The seat was a good one and apart from 2 screaming babies it was just long and boring but I watched the films Dine and The Outfit as well as listening to Gershwin’s Rhapsody in Blue and put my Boze earphones on to listen to my podcast about Carl Andre. No sleep though so my eyes felt like pissholes in the snow! We are flying over the curvature of the earth to pass the equator to the Southern Hemisphere. Quite a stunning thought.

The hotel is an oasis amongst a crazy little city. Motorbikes and cars clog the small streets. Everyone is selling something. Lots of crafts. Changed £100 and got back 1725000 Indonesian rupiahs- making me an instant rupiah millionaire! Makes me feel like I’m in India. Went exploring after we found the hotel down an alley. It has a small pool and it was gorgeous to have a short swim and shower before exploring. Not very European so feels exotic. Huge palms and lush green plants in the courtyard garden. Everyone is very courteous. Market stalls everywhere. Had an Indonesian vegetarian meal- very fresh veg with noodles, tofu and peanut butterry sauce with a large beer in nice small restaurant 80k rupiah – under £5. We are all knackered so it’s off to bed with the a/c on. A few enormous ants on the floor needed removing before sleep. Feeling a little spaced out.

At the airport waiting for the taxi ( G20 starts here tomorrow)

Our guest house garden and inviting pool
Definitely tropical garden